Wednesday, March 29, 2017

How To Talk About Art

Let's face it! Sometimes we all need a little motivation to have an inspiring critique with our students in the art classroom. Maybe just a few words on the wall here and there will inspire an artwork. We all need that little push every now and then so here are some posters to help out!

Sometimes it's really HARD to get students to open up and talk about art. All those leading questions....AARRRGGG!!!! 

It isn't always possible to just start a conversation with newer art students about an art work. Most of the time you will get a few blank stares and a statement like "I like it." REALLY?!  That's it? As a teacher, it is so frustrating to try to get students to talk intelligently about their art. I taught for 33 years and still had the same problem year after year. Let's face it, most of us teach in schools that not all the students love art. Yea, it's all well and good as long as they're making something! But to get the students to dig a little deeper and think a little about what they are seeing is definitely harder.

I found that if I had something for them to look at when we were discussing art work that we could get a good conversation going much easier. Just some key thoughts and questions just to get their minds going in the right direction. So I came up with some posters to utilize in the art room one of which is pictured below.

Now all I have to do is point!  It may not cover every little thing a student will learn to talk about in art but it sure does help with beginning students every time they rotate through art!

To purchase your own copy of this poster and several more useful motivational posters, click the link below!

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